Monday, November 30, 2009

Thanks be to God!

Collin and his first deer killed this year about 2 weeks before Thanksgiving during the youth hunt. Duncan also killed a deer that weekend as well!

Logan and Duncan playing at the cabin ! They had so much fun together wrestling!

Mama Bea, my only grandparent living, was with us for our Thanksgiving meal. It's so great having her with us and my kids just love her!

Well Thanksgiving Holidays are over and it's Monday morning and the kids are back at school and Randy is at work. I've been organizing papers, washing lots of clothes, thawing out whole trout for lunch (it's great to have fresh trout on a Monday morning!) I am blessed beyond belief! We went to church yesterday at Grenada Pentecostal again and what a blessing that was! The preaching is phenomenal and the infilling of the holy spirit wonderful! Now I feel I can make it through the next week. The kids really enjoy Sunday school there and Mary Randal made a new friend named Maggie that she really likes. Of course I love all the women there especially new friend Jessica who is expecting her third child. We went to the cabin and had wonderful smoked turkey, I made dressing and homeade rolls and pumpkin pie and gravy and we had a lot of great casseroles and fresh greens and turnips and cornbread. Aunt Paula and Uncle Gary came over and we all played Mexican Train Dominoes until midnight. Mary Randal was a good little hostess and popped bag after bag of popcorn to pass around while we played. Mama and I took Mary Randal and Paige, one of my neices to Jackson to Fresh Market and other shops(my first time there) and had a good day. Charles killed a deer and the boys all hunted a lot but mostly we got a lot of goodrest and sat by the fireplace and enjoyed being in the forest home we have there! God is so good!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Time Flies!

My brother Jeff and his new baby!
Randy with new baby Ruthie! Oh I forgot to say that Mary Randal had her school play and was chosen to be the first one out on the stage by herself to act alone and she was thrilled! She was also a vine dancer in the play. Our school's HS football also won state champs this year and the kids got a day off from the school - it was the day Ruthie was born. Go Generals! They were all so excited ! Also we are putting a commercial about our business on Yellowbook online so go to Mississippi Insurance Agencies and put in Mid Delta Ins. and you can see our commercial - hopefully it will be up in a few weeks!

Hard to believe it's been a month since I last posted! There has been so much going on with the Hensons these days! There was the Ladies Night dinner at the CDC where I used to work teaching preschool which was a lot of fun. The men served the women for a change! I got to visit with my great friend Lelaine and her daughters and other teachers. Mary Randal had a Halloween costume party she went to and the boys and I went too - it was at night and a lot of fun. Bobby and Helen took the boys to Cleveland one night to the new Railroad Museum and out to eat. My father in law donated a lot of items to the museum since he worked on the railroad for so long. I chaperoned a field trip to Rolling Fork to the Great Delta Bear Affair - it turned off so cold that day but we drank hot chocolate and picnicked and the kids all enjoyed it. Lacy had a baby shower in Indianola at her church and that was fun - she got a lot of pink and the baby arrived on Nov. 12th. Lillian Ruth Tollison weighed 7 pounds and it absolutely beautiful! I got to hold her right after she was born. I went to Memphis with Mama one day for her annual mammogram and we had a wonderful lunch at Davis Kidd Bookstore (our fav place in Memphis for lunch) and shopped a little in there. We were dissapppointed to see that all of our fav places at Saddle creek mall had closed (Crabtree, Dinstuhls, and I think Strasburg was gone too) Those were the best places I liked to go! Kelly, Scott and family came down for Halloween and we all went hay riding and trick or treating with them and my brother's family and had 12 spending the night that night. It was a ton of fun! The next day we went to Boyle to hear my brother preach and then to Racquet Club for lunch with Helen and Bobby and all the rest. I fixed dinner on Halloween night the usual chili, mummy dogs, m&m brownies and dips. The dentist took a lot of our money this month with all three kids going and Duncan will have braces soon . He doesn't want them at ALL!!!! Randy and I went to a KA dance/buffet one night and pops and mimi kept the kids for us but we weren't gone but 2 hours.Last weekend we went to Grenada and both boys killed deer. Collin got a 6 point and Duncan a doe so we have plenty of deer meat for a while! We also went to Grenada Pentecostal Sunday and I was baptised in the holy spirit! WHAT AN EXPERIENCE THAT WAS! I felt the Lord's presence so strongly and enjoyed the praise and worship so much it's hard to describe!I've been working at Mid Delta INsurance a lot now usually twice a week and staying busy around the house cooking, helping with homeowork, and just playing with the kids and enjoying them. It's hard to believe that Thanksgiving is next week. Friday I'll be helping with the preschool Thanksgiving Program at the Methodist Church and Mary RAndal will be the naughty angel in our church program and Duncan the narrator. I'll go watch them practice tonight! Well see ya! Have a great Thanksgiving holiday! love missy

Friday, October 16, 2009

Wilder October Pics!

" The Grove" at Ole Miss (1st home game)

Collin, Adam, Will Having Pancakes and Duncan and Dominick riding go carts!


Wild October!

Also last week I had my annual checkup , mammogram (everything fine), Harvest fun fest at Washington School, Collin's last football game for junior high (next year he will be in H.S. football YIKES!), Mary Randal dentist, terrible tornados and storms and RAIN, RAIN, RAIN, AND MORE RAIN! The weekend before Randy took the boys to Grenada to play golf and Mary Randal and I had a girls night at home alone. We did foot spas. We made a mixture of limejuice, honey, cocunut milk and coated our feet. That was fun and relaxing! The weekend before that we went to Heber Springs,Arkansas for 3 night with my daddy and stepmom to stay at the Duck's Nest on the Little Red River. We trout fished and roasted

marshmellows, cooked steaks and hamburgers, rode bikes down country roads, picked pears and figs and enjoyed the beautiful sun and fall weather. It was a wonderful trip. We took the kids out of school Friday and Monday so it was a good long weekend trip. We stopped in Little Rock and did a little shopping too. We went last year with them so maybe this will be an annual trip for us.Hope So!!! I love that place! Oh, Randy also got a new truck, well used truck, but it's new to us! He loves i t and is soooo proud of it! I'm so proud for him too because he needed it so badly. One weekend Collin had two friends to spend the night and Duncan had one friend so the house was rocking that weekend, but really entertaining! They all went paintballing even Mary Randal who just hung with the boys like always - bless her heart! This weekend Collin has gone to Memphis with a friend for the weekend - first time out of town with a friend and yes Mama cried. My 14 year old is still my baby! Well ta ta for now!

Boy this month has really flown and been so busy, but fun, fun , fun! We have been out of town 4 or 5 weekends in the last 6 weeks! Last weekend we took the kids to Jackson Saturday and spent the night at the new Hyatt Place to shop and go to the State Fair. It was so much fun - they have an indoor heated saltwater pool there but it was still too cool for me the kids enjoyed it though. The fair was great and we even got Randy to ride the ferris wheel! We all agreed that petting the camel and eating the roasted corn was the best! The only bad part about that weekend was that my purse was stolen at Outback Steakhouse Sunday after lunch, but we all enjoyed shopping at Bass Pro shop in Pearl what a store!!!

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Go Rebels!

We are all excited about getting to go to the Ole Miss/La. Game this weekend. Daddy called and offered us 5 tickets that George Collins wasn't using this weekend. This morning I picked up an Ole Miss Cheer Suit for Mary Randal for 15$ at the resale shop and got a really cute bow to go with it and I got me a red , white and blue outfit at Steinmart since all I really bought with my birthday money was a pair of tennis shoes. Now us Henson girls are all set for the game! It should be fun . Daddy and Debbie are meeting us there and we have been invited to visit several tailgates. Afterwards, since it is a night game we will go to the cabin to spend the night. Maybe I'll get to go to the new church I recently visited Sunday ,the Pentecostals of Grenada. It should be a fun weekend and the boys are real excited since they both play football!

Thursday, September 10, 2009

It's All About Them! ( kids that is)

The sweet olive bush is blooming now and it is sooo fragrant it just fills up the yard. I cut some and brought it inside for my luncheon with my two good friends Lelaine and Kris. I also made a really good apple pie. I thought the little leaves turned out cute on top.

This was my birthday cake this year. Mama had a 7th grade cheerleader picture of me made into a cake. It was such a surprise - I loved it!! This was the weirdest looking "wooly booger"(caterpillar) I had ever seen. It must be a forest variety because we saw it by our cabin in the woods.

This is the magical rose tree I gave Mama for Mother's Day one year and it just blooms all the time! It has about 4 different color roses on it.

Wow ! This school year is moving so fast! And I thought when the kids went back to school, being a stay at home mom, I could get projects done at home etc... No Such Luck! My days seem to be busier than they were when I taught preschool half a day. My friend Ashli and I did go to the pool one day last week and enjoyed ourselves tremendously while our kids were in school! It was like being at a spa for a week just having a few hours in the sun alone! We've had school pictures, away football games, gymnastics, Labor Day weekend at our cabin in Grenada, football practice every day for both boys, and my Birthday was yesterday. Got lots of cards, emails, texts, calls and Facebook messages for my birthday - it was great! I went and picked up Pasquales pizza and took it to Washington School to have lunch with my babies. Of course Collin is too mature for me to have lunch with him. I just dropped off his hoagie in his locker! Ha! I did see him in the cafeteria with his friends though. My husband brought me home 41 beautiful flowers in a vase for my 41st birthday and we ordered in from Cicero's. I also went to a funeral Monday in Indianola. Our next door neighbor that we grew up beside died and my whole family, parents, brother etc... went to the Catholic Church funeral. His name was Vince Bellipanni. He was a wonderful man- really enjoyed 4H, gardens, animals and his family. He will be missed. Here are some pics of our adventures the last few weeks. One dayI took the kids and friends to the movies and one picture is at the Nelco. This weekend both boys will have spend the night company - Lord Help Me!
Duncan did great in his first tackle football game! He got his name called out twice for making good tackles and he really enjoyed it! We started our 5th grade football season out right by beating IA 22-0. Two sets of grandparents were there to watch him play and that made it really special. Tonight Collin plays Magnolia Heights(where I graduated from) at WS so it should be a really good game. It was great Tues. night against IA(where I cheered in junior high) to see some of my old friends and their kids playing us. It's all about them right now!! ( the kids that is)

Sunday, August 16, 2009


Here are some pictures of Perry Kate and all of her new family that she has! The champagne was flowing that day as we all welcomed our newest member of the family. Can't wait until the next baby will be born and that will be this fall. My brother and his wife will have their third child !