Saturday, April 24, 2010

Spring is Finally Here in the Mississippi Delta!

Diane Kurtz, our neighbor's daffodils
Harper's farm tractor
Our peach trees this year were beautiful all bathed in blossoms - now they are covered in tiny peaches but I'm just hoping the squirrels don't eat them all like they did last year!!

I'm eleven now!! Duncan got his usual birthday dinner of lasagne, garlic bread, salad and chocolate cake and his grandparents came over to eat with us!!!! he is in a size 14 pants now - i can't believe his growing spurt lately!!!!! This is Collin at the memphis zoo...he's cool.....

mary randal and benji her dog pose with daffodil - we picked so many daffofils this year from our neighbor's yard she has hundreds of them every year Duncan and his friend Dominick at the Racquet Club playing golf.

me and kids made 400$ during spring break and easter planting watermelon seeds for a farmer friend of ours - we planted them in a greenhouse but here's a picture of them in the field popping up through black plastic - there is an underground watering system and I hear they are doing great!!!

Egg hunt at mim's house after lunch and church. mimi always hides money in the eggs!We ended up staying over there with Jeff's family until 6 oclock.

Easter at Leland Presbyterian

march and april have been as hectic as the rest of the year so far and don't see an end in sight yet. mary randal tried out for Alice in Wonderland jr. play that her aunt lacy is directing today. that will be a lot of practicing and the play lasts a week at the end of june. she is also playing softball now and doing very well at it I must say! Also doing gymnastics and participating in a gym meet in may as well. Everyone is ready for summertime and the boys both had birthdays. We went to memphis during spring break (me and the kids) to the zoo and pink palace museum , we stayed at our cabin one night and daddy's in hernando 2 nights it was a fun get away. We went to memphis again to an old friend from high school's wedding and that was fun too and mary randal and i went last Sat. to memphis for the Memphis flower show and we stayed with daddy again. I was glad to be home this weekend for being gone so much. Iam busy planning Vacation Bible School and Washington School Field day now and ready for the pool and working inmy garden that i planted. here are some pics

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Winter Holidays

Duncan and two of his friends in the 5th grade Christmas Operetta , Our family at the Singing Christmas Tree at Bellevue in Memphis, Mary Randal and her cousin , Anna Griffin , at the Wizard of Oz , some "clouds and stars" in the church Christmas program , cupcakes for Mary R.'s Christmas party at school, Me and Kelly, my sister in law, at the Grenada spillway with the kids on New years.

Wow ! I can't believe I haven't posted since Thanksgiving and now February is here. Time seems to get away from me , but I am going to add some pictures here and not much writing because I have to go get the kids from the bus stop in a few minutes. Happy New Year 2010!