Friday, July 24, 2009

Summer Things!

Mary Randal's new rabbit Dally. He is a mini Rex and just adorable. He looked like he was posing for me in this picture doesn't he? He sure is messy though especially to be kept inside but we all love him. Even Randy , my husband, likes to go upstairs and lay on the bed and pet him.

Some of my herbs that I love growing and our chickens! My favorite herbs are rosemary, sage, oregano, basil, parsely, mint, chives and cilantro. I tried some new ones this year that I purchased from the Herb Lady in Yazoo City , lemongrass, Vietnamese Coriander, and Thai Basil and they were wonderful and beautiful in a pot and one of our labs knocked over the pot and ruined them all - I was so mad at those labs!!

Our yard is so shaded we grow a lot of hydrangeas and have beautiful ferns this year with the unusually cool Summer weather we've had. It's been great! The fleas haven't been a problem this year with the dogs and I thank the Lord for that! I finally bought and installed a flagpole early this summer. I've always wanted one and now I have one!

An arrangement I did when my friend Judith came down for the day with her three beautiful girls. The pot its in I bought at Wister Gardens in Belzoni when we went for the Garden Club Workshop.The birdhouse was painted by Mary Randal . It was a birthday kit she got from a friend. This is our cat Tiger, an old Tom we've had a long time.

Chicken Food!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My 4 year old class gave me this rose one year!
Benji Our Mini Schnauzer!

Fresh Eggs from our Rhode Island Red Hens and Other Summer Stuff!

Lazy July Days at Home!

We have two days until our beach vacation , but I find myself wanting to be lazy and take pictures of wonderful things at home instead of wash and pack! Mary Randal just wants to cuddle. She calls me her snuggle muggle and I call her my snuggle bunny! How awesome these days are with my precious children. I know they will pass so fast and I'm trying to savor every minute of time with them.

Friday, July 17, 2009

My Boys! So Cute!

This Week!

What a week it has been! Randy and I had our anniversary - 20 years! A friend gave us two tickets to the Miss Mississippi pageant in Vicksburg and we went out to eat at a really good Italian restaurant Borellos and then to the pageant. Mother kept the kids overnight but we drove back and got home around 1:00 a.m. Way past our bedtimes!! Ha It was fun being together by ourselves again. Today Duncan, Mary Randal and I made a "Mermaid Cake" for Mary Randal's 9 th birthday party tomorrow at the Racquet Club. She's having an under the sea party it should be fun! Collin is still farming most days for a friend of ours. Mary Randal went to her cousin Lizzie's birthday swimming party this week and Memaw Debbie had a birthday today! It's been a good week the kids had a lemonade stand and sold all three jugs of lemonade for a dollar a glass. We usually do this a few times a summer but this was the first time this summer. This summer has flown by so fast ! We are leaving to go to Seaside in about a week - we are all really excited and my husband needs the relaxation time!

Thursday, July 9, 2009